This show is dedicated to Sheila in Gwent an 86 year old woman who heard me on another radio station and asked for more information... She said that she was going to get her son to help her find us on the internet. I like to think she listened to the whole thing... this ones for you Sheila.
'Brother Sport' by Animal Collective
What can I say about Animal Collective that I didn't say last time we played them. How about this, they have the weirdest Gang-names I have ever heard of, Avey Tare (David Portner), Panda Bear (Noah Lennox), Deacon (Josh Dibb), and Geologist (Brian Weitz). I ain't never heard of no Gang-Banger callin' himself Geologist before. but then again they are from Baltimore. This track is my current ring-tone. It makes me want to pick up my receiver and shout out 'Ahoy Hoy' at the top of my lungs. I love this band so much it's freaky.
'Cygnus....Vismund Cygnus' The Mars Volta
Shifting from English to Spanish and back again at will, this is the longest track yet played on the Erotic Toast project, I like it because you can pretty much clean your entire flat in just one playing, thus earning major brownie points from your significant male/female companion. Mostly female... male companions don't tend to notice. I also like that it mentions the ocean floor. For obvious reasons.
'I Don't Wanna' Be The One (acoustic version)' by the Ting Tings
On air I promiced the listener a full report of our in-depth 'Interview and session' with the Ting Tings. it pretty much went like this.
Dann: Hello, is that the Ting Tings?
The Ting Tings: No, this is Easton Express
Dann: Really?
The Ting Tings: Yes
Dann: In that case, I'll have a Fuji Bento, and some Prawn Crackers... Hey Matt Do you want anything?
Matt Setback: Some of those vegetable things
Dann: And some of those vegetable things please.
The Ting Tings: no problem, it will be there in 60 minutes
Dann: Do people ever call you Stacy?
The Ting Tings: No, I just take your order, ok?
Matt Setback: Ask them why the hell they can't say Wait'ting' when the god damn name of the group is the 'Ting' 'tings...'
Our food arrived in less than half an hour.
Ok back to the music...
This song is kind of the opposite of This Track by Lily Allen. The top youtube comment when I posted that link was, "Can you Get Lily Allen Toilet Paper?" I'm not sure if they wanted it because they hate Lily Allen or just love her in a really sick way. Either way it was a cool post and I salute it.
'First Light' and 'Last Light' by Converge
Massachusetts. Home of MIT, the king of all the Tech based universities. Converge are actually from Salem, whose witch trials have ironically become synonymous with the dangers of too little education and possibly Ergot poisoning. Converge have been described on wikipedia as 'Metalcore'. How that differs from 'Metal' I have no idea. lets give whoever made that description up a big hand.
'Legionaires Lament' by the Decemberists
When on December 14, 1824, Lieutenant Panov and other high ranking leaders marched with armed troops to Senate Square in St. Petersburg, Russia, to force the Senate to sign a manifesto deposing the autocracy, abolishing serfdom, and proposing the institution of democratic reforms they were harshly quelled. Due to the hesitation and vacillation on the part of their own leaders, these Decembrists, as they became known, ultimately failed in their quest to bring liberal Western ideals to a backwards and mystical Russia. Their legacy, however, lived on. The group came to be regarded as the forefathers of the Russian revolutionary movement.Quoted from here
Sadly it's very difficult to get information on these important revolutionary pioneers as most google searches get swamped by the more popular band of the same name. Ironic, since they presumably chose the name in the hope of shedding light on this somewhat obscured piece of human history.
'Ænima' by Tool
The title Ænima is a combination of the words 'anima' (Latin for 'soul') associated with the ideas of "life force" and a term often used by psychologist Carl Jung and 'enema' the medical procedure beloved by the bowel obsessed inventor of cornflakes.
At the time of recording neither me nor Matt knew this, and thus, from a position of ignorance, we both do our best to sound clever. I'll let you decide which one of us wins. It looks like I'll be the one getting the free enema!
'Good Night, Another Bad Morning' by the Kills
lets explore the possible meanings of this song. The Kills could be implying that any kind of a good time comes at a cost, not just the obvious idea of alcoholic indulgence leading to hangovers, but a deeper explanation of the philosophical and religious ideas of karmic cause and effect. like night and day, good and bad simply do not exist except by comparison to one another... a good night, A bad morning... such is the way of things.
Or it could be, an analysis of takings at a local bar or restaurant...
Perhaps it's simply wishing someone called 'Anne Uther-BadMorning, a good night as the credits roll on a re-run of QI and the two of them share a cup of coco. At this point I don't care.
Goodnight everybody, God bless us one and all...