We are still learning this radio game... and we didn't really have enough microphones to do this properly so both me and Matt ended up coming out a bit quiet. Matt set the sound levels... so if you want to blame someone, blame him.
If it sounds Ok then you can thank me for all the amazing work I did boosting the levels and moving stuff around. You can tell how much work i had to do by the fluctuating volume of the beds...
Anyway. Here is the show.
By the way, If you haven't heard Clayton before... He is amazing. The next hour or so may change your life.
'Inspector Gadget' by Dann Casswell and Clayton Blizzard
We've long talked about working on a project together, but we just couldn't get our schedules to align. Eventually, after talking to my astrologer, we decided that instead of actually making a track, we should just start the show with an impromptu Beat Box Session. Matt failed to 'bust in with a wicked Freestyle'
'We're all Gonna Die' by Clayton Blizzard
It's funny because it's true. When Clayton came into the studio both me and Matt were swiftly reduced to the status of giggling fan boys. In order to lift the mood Clayton played this cheerful little ditty and left us in further Awe.
'Ballad of a Thin Man' by Bob Dylan
I may have made a mistake at this point by suggesting that this is an inappropriate song for Clayton to play out. Mostly because he is not a thin Man. He's not a fat man. He is a little bit of a stout man.
'MC' by KRS 1
Clayton comes from a tradition of Hip Hop and Folk Music. He's as happy busting off some phat ryhmes to the haunting drone of the Hurdy-Gurdy as he his sipping kristal in the back seat of his record companies beamer while two weedy looking vegetarian groupies sing 'where did you get that hat.' He's a stone cold player (of nine Men's morris).
'Crushed Bones' by Why
It's been so long since we recorded the show that I have completely forgotten what the hell this song sounded like. I will replace this with the first description that is sent to me over EMAIL
'Jean' by the Smiths
People always think that I will really like The Smiths. But oddly enough I'm not a big fan. TV is my God and I once saw Morrissey on the Johnothan Ross show and he didn't come off to well. I do however like this. It's Chris Packham dropping references to Smiths songs into episodes of Spring Watch. Genius. I particularly like Kate Humble corpsing every time he does it.
'Function Creep' by Clayton Blizzard
Oh Clayton, with my looks and your brains just think what amazing children we would have. I'm thinking Superpowers.I'm thinking that we would have to hide them from the military. I'm not letting the Feds do experiments on our kids.
'Umi Says' By Mos Deff
Deftones is an American rock band from Sacramento, California, formed in 1988 consisting of Chino Moreno (lead vocals and guitar), Stephen Carpenter (guitar), Chi Cheng (bass) Frank Delgado (keyboards and turntables), and Abe Cunningham (drums and percussion). They have released six albums to date, with their most recent Diamond Eyes in spring of 2010. Mos Deff is the alternative name of that dude from the IT Crowd.
'Winning a Raffle Loosing a War' by Clayton Blizzard
'Union Man' by Clayton Blizzard
That's it from me.